AI for Humanity: Intro

Hi, my name is Carson Hubbard and I’m a highschool student from Sammamish, Washington. Throughout my high school journey my interests have grown, developed, and in some cases completely changed from my previous interests. I have always enjoyed school, it is something that I take pride in, and strive to always do my best in. This is something that over time has not changed at all. I have also always had an intrest in computer science, I found it fascinating that everyone was able to create practically anything from their computer. This love for computer science has developed through the years, to a love for artificial intelligence. It all started when I did my AP Computer Science Principles college board project, where I dove into the effects of facial recognition. This fascinated me, the power that artificial intelligence had was unlike anything else I’d seen before. So after a little bit of research, I applied to be part of an inspirit AI program.
When I got the acceptance email from the AI Scholar’s I was ecstatic, but had no idea the lasting impacts that it would have on me. I worked with a brilliant instructor from MIT, John Heyer. He was excellent, he taught me the basis of python, the potential of AI, and guided me and my fellow peers through our project. Our project was to create a program that could be used by first responders to help them when responding to natural disasters. Our program that we created analyzed tweets, that would then be grouped into categories based off of their needs. This information would then be given to first responders so that they knew where to focus their resources. This project inspired me to dig deeper into the humanitarian potential of AI, and is what I will be writing about in my upcoming blog series.
In my upcoming blog series I will be talking about how corporate companies, such as Microsoft, are using artificial intelligence for good. It will focus on the applications of Artificial Intelligence and the effects that these technologies have on the world. It will go in depth on how the technology was created, what specifically the technology does, and why the company felt that there was a need for this technology. It will also be discussing how this technology has impacted the targeted audience and their everyday lives.
Through this blog series, I am hoping to target other AI corporations that have the potential to build even more life changing technology that could positively impact millions of people across the globe. However, the amazing thing about computer programming is that not only do these large corporations have the potential to make life changing technology, in reality anyone can do it. I think that this will interest anyone who has an interest in artificial intelligence, but might not know real life applications of it. Through, this series of blog posts I hope that programmers are able to see the power that they hold, and how they can use that power for the benefit of humanity, not just their own agendas.
Carson Hubbard is a Student Ambassador in the Inspirit AI Student Ambassadors Program. Inspirit AI is a pre-collegiate enrichment program that exposes curious high school students globally to AI through live online classes. Learn more at